The Challenge

Dasani is facing a stigma problem. Young consumers love to trash talk the brand, claiming preference for tap water, garden hose water, salt water, and just about anything foul you can think of. Although Dasani has strong brand recognition, consumers seem to opt for other kinds of bottled water to avoid the bad reputation. Even in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, as store shelves were stripped clean of bottled water, entire pallets of Dasani remained; consumers avoid Dasani like the plague.

The Research

After examaning hundreds of online reviews, market case studies, personal interviews, weeks of social listening, and on-site inspections of stores and consumers, the human problem appeared. Look, it’s a lot of fun to make fun of Dasani. Do most people really care? No. But they would rather play it safe, buy another water brand, and not get reamed by their friends. There are too many water options on the market to justify drinking Dasani and facing resistance for a harmless drink choice.

The Approach

What’s the best way to take a joke? You lean into it. Dasani’s bad reputation is too far gone to argue against it. They need to be self-aware of the criticism and wear it on their sleeve. Communicate to the people who identify with being an outcast — being an outcast and unphased by criticism is a point of pride for many, it’s built into their value system. If Dasani can integrate these values into their brand, they can deflect the hatred and instead use it as fuel for their positioning and personality.

Single Minded Proposition

Strategy — Noah Vande Loo
Creative — Anita Ngo, Kat Regas, Veronica Beck, Cecilia Cossairt